Let yourself be carried away by this sweet and refined bouquet of PAÏ MU TAN delicately perfumed and sprinkled with rose petals, symbol of love since the dawn of time. A light tea with floral notes, ideal to accompany your gourmet breaks.
Are you curious?
It was in the Orient in the 12th century that the rose was discovered and then imported to Europe for its benefits. Since the Renaissance, it has been recommended for people prone to fatigue. Often used in cosmetics for its regenerative virtues for the skin, its sweet scent also goes perfectly with tea.
Chinese white tea* (87%), rose petals* (10%), natural rose flavor* (3%).
*: Ingredients from organic farming
Display box of 24 Biodegradable Soylon sachets.
Brewing time: 5 minutes
Temperature: 80°c
Theine rate: 0.5/4